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End of one era and the start of another
A found farewell and a warm welcome... With the conclusion of the 2024 season also came the end of Martin...
2022 Yukon Edition Summary
2022, What a year!!! New Challenges, New Beginnings The challenges of last 2 years and the global pandemic nearly ended...
That's a Wrap! The first Virtual Series is complete!
When we first decided that the 2021 6633 Arctic Ultra would need to be postponed we had no idea...
What on earth were you thinking!!
What on earth were you thinking!! From the iconic original Moose logo to the name itself, the 6633 Arctic...
So, its nearly GO time...
So what happens next? Well, when we made the hard decision to cancel the 2021 race in October 2020...
Welcome to the Virtual 6633 Arctic Ultra!
Here are the race basics: As we cannot physically be in the Arctic for 2021 we have decided to create...