Yukon Edition Race Rules

Race Rules for the 6633 Arctic Ultra: Yukon Edition

Hopefully these rules will be purely for the benefit of clarifying what common sense should dictate. These rules are subject to change right up to the time of the start of the race and when necessary even during the race (depending on the circumstances). Rule changes will only be considered if it is either in the athletes interest, logistical matters or safety reasons dictate. If the rules are subject to change, all participants will be informed at the very earliest opportunity. All rules are at the discretion of the Race Director and the safety team.

1. No premeditated outside assistance is allowed with the exception of any such assistance offered by a member of the official support crew. Such assistance cannot include anything to help an athlete physically proceed up the course (see exception in 2. below). However, spontaneous assistance from a local person who is not associated with the race is acceptable as long as it doesn’t proceed you up the course.

2. In the UNLIKELY event of temporary evacuation from the course for safety reasons such as (but not exclusively) high winds then at the discretion of the race director the athlete will be returned to the point from which they were evacuated or alternatively in the case of advancement up the course, an appropriate time penalty to be determined by the race director will be imposed. Such a time penalty would be equal to the time the athlete is in transit plus the time such an advancement would be saved allowing for factors such as speed of athlete plus an assessment of likely rest times. Basically no advantage or disadvantage to the athlete is to be considered – but the race directors decision is FINAL.

3. Absolutely 100% totally and utterly must be NO LITTER be left on the trail. Such a breach of this rule will likely mean disqualification and I really don’t want to have to do that for something that is so controllable.

4. Racers are responsible for providing and ultimately carrying throughout the whole race (see 5. and 6. below for exceptions) all necessary gear for racing over multiple days in an arctic environment. Such equipment should include (this is absolutely NOT a conclusive list) clothing appropriate for extreme cold and winds, appropriate sleeping system, cooking, sufficient food for consumption during the period of the race and for emergencies, sleeping system appropriate for the extreme environment, suitable lighting for advancement up the course and in addition a beacon for the rear of the athlete.

The following items are MANDATORY for ALL athletes throughout the event

In addition to the logical clothing required for the event, it is mandatory to have the following to cover your extremities:
  • Face Mask covering nose cheeks and chin.
  • Goggles
  • Headwear (In brief the athlete must be able to completely cover the extremities of their face)
  • Liner glove
  • Mid weight glove
  • Thermal over-mitts
  • Sleeping bag suitable for an Arctic environment but AT LEAST RATED TO -35c.
  • Bivi Bag or Tent.
  • Thermarest, Foam pad or similar.
  • Rations for at least 24 hours and in the case of such rations requiring cooking, the means with which to prepare and cook.
  • First Aid kit.
  • Stove and appropriate quantity of fuel.
  • Appropriate cooking and eating utensils.
  • Waterproof matches and windproof lighter.
  • Compass
  • Headtorch (preferably with remote battery pack) with spare batteries.
  • 2 x Bright flashing beacon with spare batteries. 1 to be attached to the athlete, the other to the athletes sled – (at all times these must remain visible)
5. Athletes competing in the 380 mile race to Tuktoyaktuk are allowed 2 drop bags (Fort McPherson and Inuvik – clearly marked accordingly). The drop bags will be each limited to 10lbs in weight and are solely for replacement clothing, food, fuel and batteries.

6. Athletes in both the 120 mile and 250 mile race will be allowed a drop bag (10lbs) for spare clothing etc at the finish line.

7. The Medical Advisor(s) and/or the Race Director has the right to remove from the race at any time anyone they consider is in an unfit condition to continue either through injury, illness or exhaustion. Such a decision will not be taken lightly but once made will not be reversed. In the case of dispute between the opinion of the Medical Advisor and Race Director, the Medical Advisor’s view will stand.

8. A member of the official race support crew has the right to detain and ultimately prevent an athlete from progressing up the trail if they consider that the athlete is sufficiently ill, injured or exhausted as to be unable to safely proceed. Athletes in such cases will not be officially removed from the race until either the Medical Advisor or Race Director confirms the opinion of the support crew member. In such cases where an athletes can continue and it is deemed that such detention was unwarranted, the time in waiting will be calculated by the Race Director (taking all factors into account) and accordingly allowed for in the results. If necessary, the Race Director will consult with local authorities (such as RCMP) to ensure the continued safety of all participants and crew.

9. A member of the official race support crew has the right to disqualify from the race anyone who is seen to be cheating, obstructing other racers, have insufficient appropriate gear, littering or any other obvious misbehaviour. Abuse of crew or other athletes will not be tolerated and will result in disqualification. Athletes may appeal to the Race Director who has the final decision on all matters.

10. The race will start at 10:30am. Athletes competing in the 120 mile race have 71 hours (3 days) to complete the course, whilst those going all the way to the Arctic Circle, 250 miles, will have 168 hours (7 days) to complete the race. Those racers that have not finished by these times will be evacuated from the course. The timetable for the event doesn’t allow for any extension to the time for the 250 mile race should there be a delay at the start.

11. Where athletes either through their own choice or through the direction of the Race Director or Medical Advisor need to be evacuated from the course, the cost of such evacuation must be borne and is the sole responsibility of the racer him or herself. Where such evacuation is via the use of official support vehicles and does not involve any special journey no cost will be incurred. But should the official support vehicle be required to make a special unscheduled journey then the cost incurred will be calculated at $40CDN per hour or part thereof. In the case of outside assistance being required then the athlete will be responsible solely for whatever costs are incurred.

12. The race predominately follows an official Highway. State laws dictate that you must stay on the right of the highway and commonsense dictates that you must yield to motorized vehicles. In addition a flashing beacon must be attached prominently to the rear of your sled and body, and during night time hours reflective material must be worn to both your front and rear.

13. Where athletes decide to sleep between checkpoints, they must bivvy off the Highway at a point beyond the snow bank (ie beyond the line of the gravel trail) and must CLEARLY indicate where they have bivied in order that passing support crew are fully aware of their whereabouts. Any athlete found to be bivying on the highway will be asked to move to a point beyond the snowbank and will on the first occasion receive a 1 hour penalty (plus the inconvenience of being made to move). If there is a second infringement, the athlete will be disqualified from the race. If the athlete knows prior to departing a checkpoint that they will be bivying out then please be sensible and advise the support crew accordingly.

14. The Race Director and/or The official Medical Advisor(s) have the right to cancel, shorten, alter the event should circumstances dictate. Such a decision would not be taken lightly but will always be taken with the racers and support crews best intentions in mind.

15. This is a serious race and not to be taken lightly. Athletes experienced in this environment are very welcome as are those new to this nature of extreme event. However, all athletes will be required to make it clear within their application why they believe they are qualified to be participating in this event. The Race Director has the right to refuse entries from those deemed unqualified. However, acceptance into the race does not absolve the athlete from being wholly responsible for their participation in the event.

16. In the absence of a rule for some obscure reason, the organisers decision on such occasions will be final.